16 Mei, 2014

With Jokowi and Prabowo Leading the Pack, What Should We Expect Beyond 2014?

Indonesian politics has always been a story of ups and downs.

Sukarno’s 20-year rule was considered successful politically but failed to lift people’s welfare. Suharto then came to power to replace Sukarno in 1966. After his 32-year stint, characterized by authoritarianism, political reform finally took place in 1998. The transition was far from smooth. Systemic corruption, red tape and weak legal enforcement, for example, remain to this day.

Meanwhile, public trust in political parties has fallen after 1999. Political parties are seen as having failed to build up a strong democratic system and to fight for the interests of the people. At the same time, the true political power shifted from bureaucrats and the military to the rich, especially the oligarchs who exert political control with an eye to their economic interests. Political dominance now goes hand in hand with economic dominance.

Unfortunately, as Jeffrey Winters of Northwestern University, an authority on oligarchy in Indonesia, told me in an e-mail, no civil movements or parties can defeat the oligarchs. “Oligarchic interests are not unified or aligned in Indonesia’s elections since 1998 because there are no parties or movements that threaten core oligarchic interests,” Winters said.

However, 2014 could be a critical turning point. Although this upcoming presidential election will remain a competition between money and participation, as Winters says, at least we can see some light at the end of the tunnel. The candidates talk about a “mental revolution” (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s idea), a “strong state” (Prabowo Subianto’s concern) or a “Great Indonesia” (the vision of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle or PDI-P), but of course it is not only about the campaign slogans. We also look at the candidates as persons, besides their political concepts. Hope, optimism and the light of change start at a candidate’s character. But who are the candidates and what is going to happen after the election? With all due respect to other possible candidates, my argument here is focused on Jokowi and Prabowo, the two frontrunners.

If Jokowi wins

Jokowi is the most popular candidate for president. The Jakarta governor is a moderate nationalist. Jokonomics is a term used to explain his populist economic concept that focuses on health, education and other pro-poor policies. Market balance is a basic condition to fulfill such a populist agenda. This means that he will have to pay attention to both the interests of the market and the interests of the people.

Jokowi’s domestic strategy will be system-based reform and people-oriented policies with concern for civil liberties and political rights. International relations and diplomacy will be based on the spirit of humanism.

Surprisingly, the PDI-P’s presidential candidate has said from the start of the campaigning that horse-trading for ministerial posts would not happen. This could be his strength and weakness simultaneously. It will be a strength as he tries to form a professional cabinet. But it will be a weakness if political resistance from the opposition in the House of Representatives limits the effectiveness of his government.

If Prabowo wins

This former army general is the second-most popular candidate for president. He embraces the ideology of radical nationalism. Radical in this sense means “deep and strong” (in Latin, radix means root). Grass-roots economic development forms the heart of this growth strategy.

A major issue in his campaign, besides agricultural reforms and the empowerment of rural communities, is the idea of nationalization of foreign companies. Nationalizing foreign firms is obviously a sensitive issue but Prabowo has dared to put it on the table. Some consider this as an expression of strong nationalism, which will be positive in the Indonesian domestic context, but could come back to haunt him internationally.

Prabowo’s dream of building a strong state is at the core of his domestic agenda. Some human rights activists are concerned about this dream and fear the reawakening of militarism. Regardless, a strong state is essential in improving the quality of our democracy and the quality of life of the Indonesian people.

But one question that remains to be answered by Prabowo, when it comes to his manifesto, is what comes first: nationalism or economic development? This would clarify whether his idea of a strong state is aimed at military goals, political goals or economic goals.

Prabowo also has a big dream of truly reforming the country, just like Jokowi. But what is the key difference between these two possible presidents? If we would label them, Prabowo would be an institutionalist who believes changes should start at the system — hence the strong state — while Jokowi is a behavioralist who looks at human beings as the starting point of change. This is why he is talking about a “mental revolution.”

Boni Hargens is a political analyst from the University of Indonesia.


07 Desember, 2013

Demokrat Minta Ruhut & Boni Hargens Berdamai

Demokrat Minta Ruhut & Boni Hargens Berdamai

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013 13:57 wib
Mustholih - Okezone

JAKARTA - Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Demokrat, Andi Nurpati, meminta kader eksentriknya, Ruhut Sitompul, dan pengamat politik, Boni Hargens, berdamai.

"Kita mengimbau sebaiknya berdamai saja. Itu akan lebih baik. Karena ini kan sama-sama emosi di talkshow, jadi bisa keceplosan," kata dia usai diskusi Polemik Sindo Radio di Warung Daun, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (7/12/2013).

Juru bicara Partai Demokrat, Ruhut Sitompul, berseturu dengan Boni Hargens menyusul ungkapan bernuansa rasis yang disiarkan langsung stasiun TVOne. Ruhut menyerang Boni dengan kata-kata 'rasis' hingga mengakibatkannya tersinggung dan melaporkan ke polisi.

Andi berharap Ruhut bisa membuat komunikasi yang baik dengan Boni agar bisa berdamai. "Kita mengimbau Pak Ruhut mengkomunikan dengan baik. Tapi kan proses hukum tetap berjalan," ujar Andi.

Namun, Partai Demokrat membela Ruhut Sitompul dari tuduhan bertindak rasis terhadap Boni Hargens. Ruhut dinilai Boni menunjukkan kebencian atau rasa benci kepada orang karena perbedaan ras dan etnis lewat perkataan.

Namun, kata Andi Nurpati, Ruhut tidak pernah mengeluarkan ucapan rasis kepada Boni. Menurut Andi, Ruhut hanya melontarkan istilah yang menggambarkan Boni sebagai pengamat hitam yang rajin menyerang Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Partai Demokrat.

"Itu hanya istilah. Istilah bahwa pengamat hitam itu kurang lebih seperti black campaign. Memang Bonni Hargens dalam pengamatannya selama ini dianggap selalu memojokkan, menghantam Pak SBY dan Partai Demokrat," ujar Andi Nurpati.

Andi menegaskan Ruhut sama sekali tidak pernah melontar kalimat hitam untuk menyerang fisik Boni dalam diskusi tersebut. "Itu yang Pak Ruhut dia beri istilah pengamat hitam. Bukan soal warna kulit, bukan fisik. Tapi kan kita bisa putar ulang dong percakapan itu dan banyak teman-teman menonton, bahwa itu hanyalah istilah," beber Andi.

Sumber : http://news.okezone.com/read/2013/12/07/339/908803/demokrat-minta-ruhut-boni-hargens-berdamai

07 Agustus, 2013

Pengamat: Jumhur Hidayat modal nekat doang

Rico Afrido
Rabu,  7 Agustus 2013  −  05:06 WIB

Pengamat: Jumhur Hidayat modal nekat doang 
Boni Hargens (Dok Okezone) 

Sindonews.com - Kepala Badan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat dinilai tak bermodalkan apa-apa untuk maju sebagai calon Presiden (Capres) di Pemilu 2014. Bahkan, Jumhur dinilai terlalu nekat.

"Jumhur cuma modal nekat doang," ujar Pengamat Politik dari Universitas Indonesia, Boni Hargens kepada Sindonews, Selasa (6/8/2013) malam.

Boni pun mengaku enggan memberikan komentar lebih jauh terkait keinginan Jumhur untuk menjadi peserta konvensi penjaringan calon presiden (Capres) Partai Demokrat.

"Sudahlah, enggak usah diseriusin. Enggak usah saya komentar lagi ya. Saya enggak tertarik dan enggak merasa penting komentari Jumhur," cetusnya.

"Lebih pas kita bahas, Hary Tanoesoedibjo dipasangkan dengan Jokowi kalau Partai Hanura tidak meraih di atas 10 persen pileg. Jokowi-HT. Nah, aku pengamat dan peramal. Dulu aku ramal Jokowi dengan Ahok, jadi lho," pungkasnya.

Seperti diberitakan Sindonews sebelumnya, Kepala Badan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat mengaku siap mengikut konvensi penjaringan calon Presiden (Capres) Partai Demokrat nantinya.

"Saya Moh Jumhur Hidayat menyatakan siap untuk mengikuti konvensi Partai Demokrat bila memang peluang menjadi peserta konvensi itu terbuka untuk saya," ujar Kepala Badan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat saat konferensi pers di Hotel Bidakara, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (6/8/2013).

Dia menambahkan bahwa beberapa bulan terakhir ini, ruang politik media telah dipenuhi dengan apa yang disebut konvensi Partai Demokrat. Mengenai hal itu, kata dia, berbagai spekulasi bermunculan diantaranya tentang bagaimana tata cara mengikuti konvensi, apakah diundang atau diadakah pendaftaran terbuka serta siapa-siapa saja yang akan menjadi peserta konvensi.

Lebih lanjut dia mengatakan, adanya harapan-harapan baru yang muncul serta adanya kecurigaan-kecurigaan yang dimunculkan semakin menambah ramainya ruang pemberitaan politik ditanah air.

"Ternyata, spekulasi itupun akhirnya menimpa diri saya, karena berbagai kalangan dibeberapa wilayah tanah air telah secara bersungguh-sungguh mendorong saya untuk ikut dalam konvensi itu," imbuhnya.

